With Christmas only weeks away and so much to do you may be feeling the pressure of commitments and to do lists building not to mention the exhaustion of 2022 settling in.
Often we place high expectations on ourselves to create the "perfect" Christmas.(this may stem back to past childhood experiences and traditions that no longer align with you as an adult).
While some factors are out of your control, you can take take charge of your well-being and enjoy this time without feeling like your carrying mountains of expectations on your shoulders.
Here are my three tips.
Create strong boundaries.
By creating boundaries based on your personal values you will be able to more easily say no thank you to engagements and conversations that leave your feeling depleted. Its is ok to say NO anytime you need. If your having trouble with this one write down a NO answer so you can practice it and you can become confident with it.
2. Make Empowering Choices.
Choose to take care of yourself. Eat foods that support your digestion and mental health, move your body and drink water, have a sleep routine. The foundations of health and wellness. You deserve this.
3. Implement a daily mindful practice to support your mental and emotional health.
Its important we take time to slow down and connect with ourselves. This creates awareness and allows us to quickly regulate throughout our day as we become more aware of our thoughts and feelings and physical needs.
Take a mindful walk without your phone, attend a local yoga class, take breathing breaks in your working day or rise with the sun for a cuppa and a few moments to journal and set an intention for your day.
Morning and evening mediation practice are scientifically proven to reduce stress and overwhelm. Check out insight timer app for some beautiful guided practices.
Please note is you are having overwhelming thoughts and are struggling it is important to seek professional help, especially over this Christmas period. You can call
Lifeline 13 11 44
Beyond blue 1300224636
Take care of your self this Christmas period, you are so worthy of it.
with gratitude always x