This time of year things can start to get a little hectic, to do lists are growing daily, Christmas activities and parties begin and end of year tiredness starts to kick in as routines go out the window!
So how do we keep calm amongst the chaos when there is little time. Below are a few simple mindful tools to help you navigate life.
For introverts this time of year can be super overwhelming. Bright lights everywhere, extra social engagements, shopping centres to negotiate, the world becomes much louder. It becomes an intricate dance to balance the noise of life and finding time for solitude and reflection.
Tip #1 - Auditory Breathing.
Ok you all are breathing, I know! However finding three minutes to slow down and breathe can be a game changer. Nothing fancy here ,stop where you are, in the car on your lunch break, even jump into bed with the kids at night and breathe.
Auditory breathing is as it sounds! Breathing with sound guiding you to release built up tension in your body. Take a full breath in through the nose and a slow breath out. As you breath out sigh, groan, make any sound you need to help you release.
Repeat as long as you feel.
Tip #2 - Mindful Movement
The goal of mindful movement is to bring you back to the present moment noticing and becoming aware of how you are feeling currently with out any judgement. Choosing a movement activity that is nourishing and not depleting.
I love this little yoga sequence of moving from a table top pose to child pose. Its relaxing, calming yet also energises the body.
Start on all fours with a straight spine, Feeling the earth under your hands, knees and tops of feet. Gently glide back until your bottom rests on your feet and your forehead touches the earth bring your arms along side you.(child pose) take a breath then repeat.
"My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass. ~Terri Guillemets, "Old soil, new green," 2006.
Tip #3 - Grounding meditation - Feel, see, here, taste, smell.
Did you know that meditation is a great way to deeply recharge the body without needing to power nap. You can meditate anywhere, the park in the car, wherever you find yourself a moment. Lay down get cosy and start to focus on the body. Especially great if your feeling overwhelmed and anxious.
- Notice the body touching the earth, feel the sensations in your body without judgement.
- Look around you and label what you see
- Notice the sounds around you, and within you.
- Become aware of the taste in your mouth
- Notice what you can smell.
Enjoy laying peacefully for a few more moments gently breathing in and out just noticing.
Tip #4 - Remember the antidote of nature
If you have just been or are going to an event and you feel over stimulated. Get back into nature. Walk barefoot or lay on the beach or in a park. Or go for a swim in the ocean. This therapeutic technique called earthing will help reset will your mood and energy. Great medicine for calming children's energy too.
Tip #5 - Fluff up your own nest
Start and end the day with a positive self talk. Reminding your self how great you are doing. We know the power of feeding the mind with positivity it will really help you thrive.
As your head hits the pillow each night or as your rise in the morning remind your self of how great you are with a little reflection time. "Today I can.... or Today I did a great job at ...."
You can learn more tips by booking a private wellbeing session with me. A holistic whole body approach to your wellbeing. Feel calm among the chaos.
I hope these foundational tips help you enjoy the festivities and feel less anxious or depleted.
Love & Light always.