Breathwork is one of the most calming ways to support yourself and a great one to have in your family’s mindful toolkit. When you are suffering from nasal congestion it makes become challenging to effectively have a breathwork practices. This is especially noted over the winter and spring seasons.
A holistic and gentle approach to supporting nasal congestion is to try the ayurvedic practice called Nasya.
Nasya is a simple process of administering medicated oil in the nasal passages. While primarily nasya supports the body’s ability to have clear nasal passages it is practice for everyone. Especially great from those prone to suffer from stress, overwhelm and anxiety.
Through creating a self-care routine that focuses on having time to nurture yourselves as a powerful effect on the mind and the nervous system. Clear nasal passages allow for balance of the energy and breath in the body.
Benefits of Nasya.
1. Helps the condition of sinusitis, allergy especially if you’re getting recurring cold.
2. Mental stress and fatigue
3. Improves breathing as nasal passages are clear – breath much deeper
4. Improves sleep - Breathing
5. Nervous system
6. Pacify the mind – let go the Vata mind that’s the mind always busy, always full of thoughts.
7. Remove tension in jaw and neck reduce headaches
8. Mental clarity supporting emotion
How to perform Nasya
Best performed in the morning, before eating etc. Oil is absorbed through the blood vessels in the nose.
The oil I use is a medicated oil called “Anu Thailam” that is traditionally used in Ayurveda sometimes we can adverse reactions to this. If so, just use sesame oil.
1. Heat the oil - warm it first.
2. Two drops on little finger, Breathe it up the nose repeat
3. Massage around nasal passages and eyes
4. Wipe away any excess oil
5. Wash hands.
After a few days see if you can notice the different to your breathing through the nasal passage.
A very simple form of self-care with profound health benefits. Much gentler option them pharmaceutical products for the whole family.