What we do daily will effects how motivated we feel to live our lives. Its important to choose healthy habits that nourish us and support our well being. Otherwise our body uses the energy to repair or heal instead of increasing vitality.
Check out these five healthy and simple habits when practiced consistently will support your over all wellbeing.
1.Make your lunch the biggest meal of the day. This will support your blood sugar levels and stop the need to reach for an afternoon sugary snack. At noon your digestion is at its most efficient point to process a meal rather the later in the evening when your winding down for the day.
2. Make dinner a light meal that is easy on the digestive system and will improve the quality of your sleep as your body will concentrate on restorative sleep rather then digesting a heavy meal.
3. Turn off those lights by 10pm. A regular bedtime routine supports much deeper and easier sleep. Disconnect from the media at 8pm and re connect with yourself. Dim the lights signalling to your body its time to unwind. Engage in reflective practises like journaling, reading, meditation, gentle yoga, warm tea or bath with essential oils or a foot massage.
4. Daily 10min mini massage helps stimulate the lymphatic system. Use warm sesame or coconut oil and massage your whole body or perhaps part of your body (feet). A beautiful ritual that also aids relaxation and supports the nervous system.
5. Meditation. Mental overwhelm is a sure fire way to zap your energy quicker than anything. Meditation clears the busy mind.
Overthinking and anxiety can manifest into physical symptoms in the body so to keep the body and mind healthy it is highly important to engage in a mindful practice daily.
Check out insight timer app for some amazing meditations to get you started!
Pick one habit and start your journey today. Remember small steps create lasting results. So try one habit for at least a month before implementing another one. In time you will notice your energy will shift, change and begin to be sustainable.
For support in making changes to your life, increase your energy and reduce stress. Book a complimentary clarity call today.
Exhale offers
- 1:1 ayurvedic transformation - 3 month coaching experience. - Peace within.
- Women only retreats (next self -love retreat July 9th 2022)
- Private intuitive wellbeing session. (reiki, yoga, meditation, breathwork & eft, ayurvedic wellness coaching, massage, ) clear away negative emotions, limiting beliefs, unwanted habits, exhaustion and return to the world feeling at peace and rejuvenated .
- Or join the Exhale women's wellness community on Facebook for FREE wellbeing coaching sessions, tips and classes!
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With love & gratitude
M x